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Neuro - Linguistic Kinesiology (NLK)

about kinesiology


Kinesiology is an alternative holistic health practise that utilises a technique know as ‘muscle testing’ to identify imbalances or stress in the body or brain, that may be related to a situation, activity, food, learning, substance, injury, trauma ect. Muscle testing is a natural feedback system that uses an indicator muscle (usually arm), which supplies information via nerve pathways and the meridian system to the brain and body. It can give instant access into the holistic information held by the core operating unit of the entire body and mind system and the subconscious brain.


Therefore kinesiology can bypass conscious thinking, identifying imbalances blocking us from optimal health and well-being. Or simply identify factors which are currently blocking the body’s natural healing process. The imbalances identified through muscle testing can often be ‘balanced’ in a session (or within the weeks after) to achieve desired goals and/or create an improvement in overall health. The aim of a consult is to develop positive habits, discover and choose what is significant to the clients life, become aware of and then change self limiting beliefs and behaviours, create a life of awareness, and to promote emotional security, overall health and well-being for mind, body and spirit.



NLK is unique in that it combines an adaptation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques for counselling and change work, with the bodywork found in Kinesiology. Essentially, NLP it is positively repatterining the brain through language.  It is a leading edge communication system evolved from the work of some of the world’s most successful therapists.

NLK also incorporates some of the most innovative developments in kinesiology related to testing the primitive and postural reflexes that have long been recognised by paediatricians and occupational therapists as crucial in the development of good learning behaviours. It also offers dynamic Mental Fitness Exercises which can be easily and effectively used in the classroom. NLK is designed to achieve improvement in a wide range of stress and health related problems. It also develops excellence in learning and performance skills.

how it works

During a Neuro-Linguistic kinesiology balance or session there are many techniques used to help the body mind system come back into healing. These are called remedies or balances and may involve:

  • Chinese meridian flow corrections

  • light touch acupressure points

  • stimulation of neuro-emotional , neuro-vascular, neuro-lymphatic points

  • stress release techniques

  • emotional awareness

  • emotional awareness

  • visualisation, affirmations

  • sound therapy

  • colour therapy

  • essential oils

  • vibrational remedies: flower essences, homeopathic

  • polarity therapy

  • talking therapy

  • psychological understandings

  • Chakra and Auric fields clearing…. to name a few!​

  • Addictions & self-control (sugar, emotional eating, alcohol, gambling, smoking, drugs)

  • Aligning you to your truth and your true essence within you

  • Body acceptance & self-love

  • Clarity, clearer mind & focus

  • Clearing emotional stressors & triggers

  • Connection to Heart & Soul energy

  • De-activating and releasing self-sabotage programs, limiting belief systems, old stories, patterns, behaviours, attitudes and genetic programming

  • Emotional cycles of anxiety, fear, grief, loss, guilt or anger

  • Energy levels & vitality – fatigue, tiredness, motivation

  • Family relationship stress, conflict & disharmony

  • Gut Health (digestive imbalances, food sensitivities, diet adjustment, constipation, diarrhoea, etc.)

  • Happiness – finding your true Soul passion & purpose in life

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Letting go and releasing old stuck emotions and hurt

  • Mental health (depressive tendencies, anxiety, moodiness)

  • Money blocks & attracting financial abundance

  • Negative and reactive thought patterns and behaviours

  • Nervous system healing, settling and regulation

  • Opening up your beautiful Heart to trust, feel and love

  • Parenting & children related stress

  • Physical symptoms, pain, discomfort, stress or dis-ease of any kind

  • Pregnancy stress – conceiving, IVF, morning sickness, labour

  • Relationship challenges, conflict, communication & connection

  • Repetitive thoughts or memories

  • Restoring, settling & grounding the Body, Mind & Soul

  • Self-esteem & self-worth

  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes)

  • Sleeping difficulties, over-thinking, waking at night, insomnia

  • Stress relief (work, personal, family, health, life balance)

  • Trauma healing / Abuse / Bullying / PTSD symptoms

  • Weight loss and management strategies

  • Women’s health (PMS, menstrual pain, menopause, etc)

  • Loneliness and Withdrawing from self

  • Night Terrors

NLK session

​In general, a Nero-Linguistic Kinesiology session will involve:​​

  • The session will commence with a client history form and confidential discussion of concerns to be addressed.

  • The session will take place on a massage table lying face up.

  • You do not need to remove clothing (besides jackets etc) . Although it is recommended for you to wear

  • Comfortable clothing as arms and legs aren’t moved around during the session which we call muscle testing.

  • You will need an issue or goal you would like to work on so there is focus for your session (This can be developed/discussed during initial part of the consultation when obtaining client history).

  • You will need willingness 100% to make a change for the better in your life and you must be open and willing to take responsibility for these changes.

  • You will be muscle tested (gentle technique) throughout the session.

  • During the session it may be required by the practitioner to complete remedies/ balances for/to the client by using various holistic techniques listed above such as light touch on acupressure points , massage, holding points ect and you may be required to perform basic exercises and participate in these various remedies/balances (You will consulted prior to any of these techniques being performed).

  • During a session, you may feel warmth or cold, dizzy or light-headed, emotional highs and lows, energy highs and lows, a tingling sensation, slight twitching or a rumbling tummy, or you may feel absolutely nothing.

  • A complete Kinesiology session can last from 60 to 120 minutes.

  • Essential oils, Acutonics® tuning forks and other props such as eye charts are sometimes utilised throughout a session.

  • Music may be played to add to the experience.

  • You may be prescribed a Australian Bush Essence or Remedy to support your balance.

  • You may be given Home Support to participate in in the weeks after a balance

after NLK session


Many clients report having some after-effects from an intense kinesiology session. None of these are cause for any concern; they’re just a result of the body re-organizing its energy systems and integrating the healing process.


Some common symptoms and states of being include:​​

  • Feeling dizzy, light-headed or ’spacey’ or  a natural stoned feeling

  • Alternating energy highs and lows

  • Extreme sleepiness

  • Vivid dreams

  • Emotional highs and lows

  • Unexplained crying or anger or whatever emotion was being dealt with in the session

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • A sense of peace

  • Improvement in mobility

  • Deeper and more restful sleep

  • Reduced appetite for sugars and junk

  • Deeper and more relaxed breathing

  • Improved posture and postural awareness

  • And many more!

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