Flower essences work on the subtle energy field of the body, working on the emotional, mental and spiritual conditions we hold onto. There are 69 individual flower essences and each has its own essence or imprint. Essences work to shift the negative emotions, negative thought patterns and beliefs to unlock your full potential and bring about harmony and balance on all levels.
Australian Bush Flower Essences are made from the flowering part of many Australian native plants, essence from the flower is then stored in filtered water and a small amounts of alcohol to preserve the essence. Flower essences have a very long history of healing among many cultures; Aboriginals have always used flowers and plants for healing both physical and emotional imbalances for many many years.​
When we treat the emotional and mental imbalances or conditions we are also treating the physical body ailment which is connected to specific emotions. ABFE can be used for night terrors, PTSD, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, fatigue, anger, grief and more. ABFE come in individual or combinations of individual essences (remedies) that are made for each individual to suit the circumstances presenting at this time. Essences work great in conjunction with all other modalities to bring the body into alignment and balance (Such as Kinesiology or Reiki).
Flower essences are drops taken under the tongue daily or applied to the skin over a period of weeks then we can reassess the issues (Generally for 2-4 weeks) . Flower essences can be taken with other natural or pharmaceutical medicines/ treatments and do not negatively interfere with other treatments in any way.
Divine Presence Essences
Whilst ABFE work majority on the emotional and physical plane, the Divine Presence Essences work solely on the spiritual level. Divine Presence Essences are made by special processes developed by Ian White, a 5th generation Australian Herbalist, and creator of the ABFE. There are four Divine Essences; ISIS, SOLAR LOGOS, GAIA & RAINBOW.
Divine Essences are also drops taken under the tongue daily, however are not to be mixed with ABFE or other Divine Essences (They are taken individually). They can also be taken with other natural or pharmaceutical medicines/ treatments and do not negatively interfere with other treatments in any way.

A blessing from the Great Mother.
Allows you to feel the presence, protection and love of the Divine Feminine.
Helps heal our emotional pain and suffering, replacing it with love and courage.
Enables you to access and release wounding in your soul arising from the Spirit world, this and other lives.​

Is the pure light that emanates from the Heart of the Divine.
Activates the light of the Soul within us, enabling us to then access the divine on a personal level.
Brings light, love and spiritual power, into our bodies, hearts and minds.
Opens our heart to the wisdom that is deep within us.
Integrates the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us.

helps to ground us so we can absorb more of all the vast spiritual changes and energies flooding down from the Divine.
Forges a loving, protective sense to the Earth/Gaia.
Helps us to be centred; connected to the Divine; present in our body, heart and mind and to radiate our light into the world.
It helps bring in more of our true spiritual nature, our Higher Self.
Puts us in touch with our actual divine purpose, in a grounded way.

Is a gentle way of bringing the Solar Logos energy into you.
Makes you aware of your and the Universe’s multi-dimensionality
By absorbing every colour into your body, heart and mind, it brings you deep understanding, healing and love from the Sources.
Makes you aware of your potential and to realise that anything is possible and that you can do anything.
Allows you to expand to feel yourself as a being of Light, connected to the Divine
Is nurturing of your auric field and soul evolution
Creates a feeling of support, protection and being nurtured.