Acutonics® (Acupuncture with high frequency tuning forks)
Acutonics® is a non-invasive methodology that draws on Chinese medicine, and incorporates the use of sound vibration. In an Acutonics session specific vibratory energy is created through precision-calibrated tuning forks, hand chimes, and Tibetan singing bowls. The frequencies generated by the Acutonics® sound tools are scientifically derived from the orbital properties of the heavenly bodies (Planets, Moons and Earth) , which give us musical intervals, archetypes and correspondences that allow the practitioner to fine tune the therapeutic frequencies that are applied to acupuncture points (direct connections to the meridians) , chakras, and points of pain. The sound waves of the Acutonics® tuning forks vibrate and travel deep into our cells through our water, affecting human physiology and reaching places not easily accessed by traditional medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians. These pathways create an energy flow (Qi or Chi) through the body that is responsible for overall health.
The ancient Taoists understood that the body had rivers or pathways of energy that run through our organ systems and our body. Illness or disease is a manifestation of disharmony and discord in the flow of chi through these circuit systems. Acupuncture points are the vortices of the body, doorways to our chi/energy pathways that provide noninvasive access into the core energetic systems within the body. Essentially, the same principles of acupuncture apply, however instead of needles that pierce the skin, precision-calibrated tuning forks are lightly placed onto the skin. The forks vibrations range from low, medium to high frequency and each fork has a specific vibration/melody for specific purposes. I.e specific forks disperse energy, some add energy, some are cooling, and some are warming depending of what is required in the session. Their rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, promoting healing and inner harmony.
Did you know….sound travels 4 x faster in water than in air….and due to the fact that the human body is made up of 80% water, therefore we are there perfect conductors of sound vibration.
Acutonics® helps to restore balance in the body and can aid traditional Western medicine in the healing process. You can use Acutonics® to aid in the healing process of many issues such as muscle pain, headaches, menstrual issues, digestive concerns anxiety, depression, stress and many other conditions. It also can contribute to emotional, mental and energy improvements. Most people also find the experience incredibly relaxing and peaceful.
Acutonics® SESSION
In general, an Acutonics® session will involve:
The session will commence with a client history form and confidential discussion of concerns to be
The session will take place on a massage table lying face up and will moved to lying face down at some stage of the session.
The client lays relaxed with eyes closed throughout majority of the session.
The forks/vibrations utilised and the acupuncture points chosen will be completely individualised for the client depending on consultation (e.g some forks disperse energy, some add energy , some a low frequency and some are high frequency ect and different acupuncture points apply to different organs, parts of the body etc ).
Acutonics® tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls will be placed gently on or just above your body to acupuncture points, Chakras or points of pain (front & back).
Unlike massage, Acutonics® sessions do not involve any
form of physical manipulation. -
You do not need to remove clothing (besides jackets etc). Although it is recommended for you to wear comfortable clothing.
During a session, you may feel warmth or cold, a tingling sensation, slight twitching or a rumbling tummy, or you may feel absolutely nothing.
A complete Acutonics® session can last from 45 to 90 minutes.
Essential oils are sometimes utilised throughout the treatment.
Music, chimes and other musical instrumental may be played to add to the experience.