In this clinic (Awakened Health Therapies), we provide a variety of gentle hands on complimentary holistic therapies such as Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology, Reiki and Acutonics ®.We also advise on Australian Bush essences as extra support. We do not however, diagnose conditions nor do do we perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. None of the therapies above are to be used in place of medical care. We recommended a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment that you have.
Also, all possible care is taken in your treatments, however we do advise that a small number of clients may experience one or more of the following as a result of a natural therapy treatment.
Feeling dizzy, light-headed or ’spacey’ or a natural stoned feeling
Alternating energy highs and lows
Extreme sleepiness
Vivid dreams
Emotional highs and lows
Unexplained crying or anger or whatever emotion was being dealt with in the session
Increased energy and vitality
A sense of peace
Improvement in mobility
Deeper and more restful sleep
Reduced appetite for sugars and junk
Deeper and more relaxed breathing
Improved posture and postural awareness
Other possible outcomes of any form of bodywork may include conditions becoming worse before they improve, fainting, headaches, menstrual disturbances, nausea/ vomiting (not limited to).
Reactions are the exception not the rule but it is my duty of care as a healthcare professional to notify you of the above, not to alarm you, but to keep you informed no matter how unlikely.
I’m sure you are aware the human body is capable of many unpredictable changes. The above mentioned treatments are among the safest & gentlest of natural therapies.
If you experience any adverse symptoms that concern you please contact your therapist (or Doctor if unable to contact your therapist) & if affected refrain from driving a motor car or operating other machinery.
N.B. It is the clients’ responsibility to notify your therapist of any changes relating to health and/or physical condition on each visit.
Lisa Angeloglou